Name Map Players
[PURE] zp| .:ZfA:. [DM] Zarks Fallen Angels UT99 Server DM-Mojo][ 0/32
[APG] - UT99 DM-Pyramid 0/18
:: OP GOLD :: || Classic UT99 || All Welcome DM-Deck16][ 0/32
[PL] Unreal Tournament 99 - Polish Capture The Flag [V469D] CTF-Baranco 0/22
Totonizos DM-Phobos 0/10
Ultimate UT Main Server CTF-Phalanx 0/16 CTF-Dreary 0/16
#01 UTBR Madruga Brazil Deathmatch 2025 (Newnet) DM-(utbr)-1on1-Pesto-TOURNEY_fix1 0/16
Ultimate UT Dev Server DM-Infinitum 0/16
Santa's Computer Store CTF-Coret 0/16
UT Dev: Unreal Enhanced - [TGML] DMU-Fith 0/16
[PL] Unreal Tournament 99 - Polish Capture The Flag [XV][V469D] CTF-XV-CTC-ArcadeV0 0/22
Classic ( Unreal & UT ) - Dev Server - [TGML] DM-Column_beta_013B 0/16
--- Vehicle CTF (VCTF, Greed, VDOM, XVehicles) --- [best with 469] CTF-XV-KWC-Brutal-W00tV0 3/32
DECK16 MULTIMODE - ( Unreal & UT ) - [TGML] DM-Deck16_v2 0/16
Classic ( Unreal & UT ) - Main Server - [TGML] DMU-Ariza 0/16
Salot's Server CTF-LavaGiant 0/10
CeCe`s Lagoon DM-1on1-Lego][ 0/16
ctf two four seven CTF-Face 0/16
*UTARENA - Public Server DM-Deck16][ 0/12
=Hello Kitty Island Adventure MapVote DM-Pressure 0/14
#03 UTPUGs Brazil Cup (Newnet) DOM-Cinder 0/16
[ss]-Secret Society of Snipers- DM-MohogsKitchen[EMB][sSs] 0/18 | UT99 CTF-Face 0/16
===]l** D]ii[TrOn **l[=== House Of ROCKETS CTF-Face 0/14
[ss]-Multi Server(MH,JB,FreezeTag)- MH-(_@_)_EpicLand 0/16
NITRO's Lair - AssaultSniper/VoteMap/MoreBlood DM-Phobos 0/32
Ultimate UT Coop Server XidiaGold-Map3-OutpostPheonix 0/16
#MSK0 NaliWeapons 3 (MOD) DM/CTF/AS/Team/DOM DM-Deck16][ 0/32
Otto's Playhouse DM-Cybrosis][ 0/10
Navarros UT Black&Decker Server DM-{M}5Cubes-HypErioN 0/10
TYZ Spasshaus DM-Liandri 0/10
Paulas UT Server CTF-Face 0/10
TheNutHouse RocketArena DM-Morpheus 0/30
Knights Of The Quad UT99 Server CTF-Face 0/12
Wololo AS-Overlord 1/16
[ZombieCheeseGaming]UT99 CTF-Face 0/10
#MSK0 Classic DeathMatch Server Frag New Net DM-Deck16][ 0/32